Tribal Archives & Library
Through the efforts of the Poeh Cultural Center’s mission to preserve and sustain its culture and traditions, Poeh Cultural Center Archives & Library was established. Within this framework, and as part of locating a place for vital community historical documents, this archive promotes the collection, preservation, and legacy of the Pueblo of Pojoaque and its relationship to surrounding areas.
Tribal Archives
The Archive acquires, organizes, describes, protects, preserves, and makes accessible materials that support individual, organizational, administrative, and broader community histories. All priority materials acquired for the collection perpetuate the culture and history of the Pojoaque people and assist in building self-knowledge, identity, and a comprehensive way to interpret its unique history, events, and activities.
The Library is a targeted collection of reference materials that provide access to quality information to enhance and contribute to individual and community information and knowledge. It is committed to serving—first and foremost—the Pueblo of Pojoaque. It created a pleasant and safe environment to discover the value of learning and shared knowledge. The library staff recognizes a responsibility to provide opportunities for cultural education and preservation of its community and administrative histories.
Open: Mon thru Fri – 10am to 5pm
Roxanne Swentzell Tower Gallery: Monday thru Friday 10am-4pm
78 Cities of Gold Road
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Museum Info: (505) 455-5041
Administration: (505) 455-5040