
During theses extraordinary times, our tribal communities have been greatly impacted by the Coronavirus and the economic hardships that followed. The Poeh has put together programs to support our Native American communities.

If you would like to support please DONATE.

We want to thank following: NDN Collective, National Endowment for the Arts Pueblo of Pojoaque, First Nations Development Institute, Santa Fe Community Foundation, National Museum of the American Indian, Chamiza Foundation and the McCune Foundation.

Connecting Pueblo Knowledge During a Pandemic and Beyond:

A Tribal Cultural Center and Museum Guide for Re-opening from COVID-19 Shutdown

Created with the support of the Institute for Museum and Library Sciences

Grant Assistance

Poeh Artist Relief Fund

Santa Fe Community Foundation

Additional Emergency Grants

Free Trainings

Pandemic Opportunities

How to Set Up a Facebook Page

Online Artist Marketing

Coming Together

Talking Circles

Online Demonstrations

Native Artist Marketplace

We are awarding emergency relief grants to provide funds to New Mexico residents in financial need.

  • Closed when funds are depleted
  • Individuals residing in New Mexico
  • Age 21 years and older
  • Financial Hardship Statement required

Funded in part by the Tonic for the Time fundraiser with public donations and support from the Continuous Pathways Foundation.


Poeh Cultual Center is awarding over $32,500 in emergency relief grants, providing funds to local Native Artists who have lost income as a result of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Closed when funds are depleted
  • Native Artists residing in New Mexico
  • Age 21 years and older
  • Coronavirus Impact Statement required
  • Round II only available for Artists not funded in Round I

Funded in part by the First Nations Development Institute, McCune Foundation, NDN Collective and the Poeh Cultural Center.


Freelance Artist Resources

This list is specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community. This includes, but is not limited to, actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers & playwrights, photographers, etc.

Grant List HERE

 More Emergency Grants

Here is a list of Emergency Artist Resources that can support you during this difficult time. Grants range in price, requirements and eligibility. Let us know if you would like our help in filling out your application. Although we can’t guarantee you will get the grant but we will give it our best to support you.

Full Grant List HERE

List from US Dept of Interior HERE

Pandemic Opportunities

The emergency has also presented an opportunity for artists to become more technologically skilled and aware of shifting their market research, marketing and sales to meet the various venues online.

How to Set Up Facebook Business Page

Learn the basics of setting up a Facebook Business Page for artists. Get quick tips and be guided through the process of how to reach new customers, make the sale and deliver the goods.

 Online Artist Marketing (2 Videos)

Whether you are selling on a website or on social media sites such as Facebook or Instagram, you will need to know the basics of selling digitally.

Check out this video for dos and don’ts.

 Talking Circles

These talking circles will be a space to discuss how things are going in the Native artist community. We will be listening, sharing our resources and answering your questions.

  • Free & Open

Poeh Facebook

 Online Demonstrations

Our Native arts continue and are important life-ways to stay spiritually, mentally and physically healthy. Tune in to see our community artists demonstrate their own special arts. We will post on our social media sites and links.

  • Martha Romero, Nambe Pueblo – Pottery

$100 for Exhibited Artists

Native Artists can apply for the Poeh to purchase their art and be featured in our Upcoming Virtual Exhibition.

  • $100 for Artwork
  • Apply and describe your proposed artwork for sale.
  • Artwork should be based around “Stay Well” or “Culture Continues”
  • Purchased artwork will be featured in UPCOMING VIRTUAL EXHIBITION.


$100 for Artist Demos

Native Artists can apply to be featured online to demonstrate their art.

  • $100 Honorarium


 Facebook Native Artist Marketplace

We want to support our community of Native Artists by creating an online Native Artist Marketplace on Facebook. This Marketplace is a Facebook group that any Native Artist can join. The Poeh will market and publicize the Marketplace to attract buyer and supporters. Please join and share what you have to sell.

  • All Native Artists Welcome
  • Artists will conduct & deliver all their own sales
  • Poeh will promote & market Artists

Native Artist Marketplace HERE